Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Wow - it just cannot be possible that Thanksgiving is only two days away!  Where has 2011 gone...it's almost 2012.  And doesn't that just sound so futuristic?!

I've taken this week off except for some work bank deposits and then the bulletin on Friday or Saturday, and have I been busy!  I knew the house wasn't as tidy and clean as I would love for it to stay, but I've really put in some hours and muscle to get things looking nice.  That's not to say a couple of rooms will be "locked" from any visitors we may have! Ha!  Those will come in time.  But even though I'm already pooped, it is sure a great feeling knowing that our home is clean.  Even got the outside pressure washed by a neighbor (he could use the extra money and it was less than renting a washer and taking the time to do it).  Also had a dead limb cut down that was threatening Carl's car and Mike's truck...so we're on a roll!  Think we can even put up Christmas decorations next weekend! How sweet is that!?!

Since I won't be posting anything else before Thanksgiving, I just wanted to wish everyone a wonderful day/weekend with family and friends.  We will all have lunch with Carl's mom at her assisted living facility, then will have a family meal at our home in the late afternoon with our in-laws-to-be, who will be in town. 

Don't think we'll worry about shopping on black Friday, but anything can happen!  Enjoy your shopping to those who will!

Blessings to all!  I am thankful for you and my dear family and for our Father who has shown me so much grace!

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